Super in Australia today
Since the stock market crash of 2008 (global financial crisis) we have seen a fundamental switch away from the standard offering of super funds to Self-Managed Super funds (SMSF). This is due to investors seeing the need to be more diversified than just the standard pie chart of fund managers that the standard super funds are offering. At a similar time the Australian Tax Office introduced a fundamental change to superannuation and for the first time allowed borrowing to be held through super. This allowed the ability a SMSF to diversify its assets based further via the purchase of direct property
Considering a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)?
In Australia, there are over 1 million people who have made the step to control their own super and setup their own Self Managed Superannuation fund (SMSF). The Self-Managed Super option is no flash in the pan; the sector now represents a combined asset value in excess of $550 billion.
The reasons for this are numerous, but we find control is the number one driver; control over investment decisions; control over asset allocation; control over fees and control over assets.
Australians wanting to take advantage of tax strategies (such as direct property acquisitions) that are not available in retail funds is also a major factor for setting up an SMSF.
If you’re serious in gaining a better understanding of your options and opportunities we can arrange a personalised, one-to-one meeting with you.